
We Must Do What We Can


02-20-2014, 04:21 PM

Seracia was sleeping, and it was about time it was awoken. The female was determined to fufill this task for her friend, and to do what she could while Loccian was ill. Though Destruction, in her past, was more of a follower than a leader, she would put her skills and knowledge to the test to do what she could for the pack until her friend was better. That meant getting tasks started, and contacting certain wolves and seeing if she could get things underway. Group lessons for the young of Seracia, spars to keep the older wolves in place, tasks and duties that needed to be preformed, perhaps a pack hunt... there was a lot to do, but Destruction was going to do her best to keep the pack in the sort of way it should be.

But there was one wolf Des wanted to speak with in private before she officially started to set things up. The female was an elder of Seracia, and her wisdom would be great. But the question would be whether or not she would be willing, or able, to share some of that wisdom with pups. If not it was certainly nothing that Destruction would hold against Silent -- she had earned her rest, if she desired it, and would not be bothered by the Queen. However she had been meaning to talk to the older female for some time. Her mate had been taken prisoner in the war with Glaciem, and she had been relieved to have the two together again.

Families should not have to be broken. Before further thoughts on that matter could enter her mind Destruction pushed them away, trying to remember what else she could about the dark furred female. She noticed Faolan was always rather close to her. The female would think, swishing her tail. She knew Faolan wouldn't necessarily be able to be excused from tasks either, but perhaps she could work something out while someone was still with Silent while he had to be present for such things, unless Silent felt she could be alone for that period of time.

The dark femme would approach the den where she knew Silent lay, almost positive that Faolan would be there with her. Stopping outside the woman would speak in a clear but gentle tone. "Miss Silent? If I could I'd like to have a word with you. If now is not a good time, however, I can come back." The Queen would remain standing, quietly waiting for an answer of some kind to come from the den.
