
Seeking Shelter


02-20-2014, 04:26 PM

The poor thing was covered in ash, a cough rattling through his body. It honestly didn't sound good, which was no less than she would have expected. The stuff fell thick from the sky, irritating lungs, eyes, noses... it tainted the water, making it taste foul. But little could be done about it. A deep frown would come from her as the black phlegm came from his maw. The poor dear. She honestly wished she was a healer, and that she could do something for him. But there wasn't much she could do aside from trying to comfort him as the ash fell outside. How long would it fall? The worried thought would cross her mind, and she would lower her ears a bit. Arietta's heart would give a sad pang as, right after the pup looked to her, he was seized by another coughing fit. She would rise, moving to curl around the young male like a mother would,

"I'm Arietta. I'm Sin's mate." The female wasn't even sure if he knew who Sin was. Was the Armada family big here in Glaciem? She hadn't been told by Sin about his family, or had even heard his last name. She would gently give a nuzzle to Drashiel's shoulder, feeling a bit calmer as his breathing started to even out. "Lay down and rest. You're welcome to stay here while all this is going on. I'm afraid I don't know how to hunt yet.. but I'll do my best to bring back something if you get hungry." She didn't care about herself going hungry, but she wasn't about to let a pup deal with that. She'd figure out some way to catch prey in the mess. Her soft blue eyes didn't leave the young one's form for a minute. "Though, Drashiel, what were you doing out in that storm? Where is your mother? Or your father?" What kind of parents would let such a pup out in this stuff?

Speech, Thought