
One Step Forward...


02-20-2014, 04:34 PM

Surely her words of apology had surprised her brother. The female had gotten so aggressive as she aged, more as a way of protecting herself, or an attempt to, rather than simple ill temperment. He would apologize as well, offering a lick to her ear in comfort. She would let her red eyes meet his blue ones, a soft whine leaving her. He understood why she had been so angry, so quick to even lunge at Loki, despite them being bound by blood. Their damned pasts, cursed by the pack of their birth, haunted all of them. In their personalities... in their memories... in their dreams. None were free from the darkness it cast over them. How the girl wished for the simple days of her youth, when all she really had to worry about was following her littermates around and avoiding the chaos for the most part. But that part of her past was gone... but culd it be in her future? Would she be able to rebuild something here? A place where she could start over? A place where they could all start over? The female would move closer to Baldur, wrapping her neck around his own in a sort of embrace. The femme would close her eyes, more grateful for her brother's understanding in that moment than anything else in her short life. "Thank you, Baldur." Her voice was still quiet as she spoke, and she slowly pulled back from the embrace, a small smile forming on her face. "I care about all of you, too. So never forget that, big brother. I love you." She would linger a while longer, to share in the company of her white and black coated sibling before going off on her own way again, certain that they would cross paths again.


-End Thread.-