
hello old f r i e n d we meet again


03-23-2013, 10:23 PM

These lands were a far cry from the place that Ocena called home. They were dry and dusty, the water having vanished long ago from these places. Where had it gone? She was quite unsure. Maybe it had ended up in her lands? It would certainly explain the lack of water here, as Glaciem's territory had a good deal of it to spare in the form of snow.

These curiosities were not ones that occupied the wandering female's mind for long, however. The female twitched her ears slightly as she padded along, wandering alongside a dry, empty streambed. Once, she imagined, it had been full of rushing water. Ocena could almost imagine the burbling brook that had once carved this path through the land. But the water was long gone, and Ocena was starting to wonder if this trip had been worth it. It had been nice to stretch her legs, yes, but she had wandered a long way, and she wasn't entirely sure if this was worth it.

These western lands of Alacritia were just . . . dry. Bone dry. If she got lost here, it would not end well for her. The air was hot and dry, a strong contrast with the cold, icy lands of her home. Ears twitching as she padded along, Ocena glanced around. The air seemed to almost shimmer with heat, and she could see for miles all around her. All in all, this was vastly different from her home in the far North. Perhaps it was time for her to start heading back...
