
Song of Waves


03-23-2013, 11:03 PM

The lands around Glaciem had always drawn Ocena's curious gaze. Especially the strange, foreign structure locked in the deep ice not too far away from her home. So when Ocena found herswelf with nothing to do, she set off to wander and explore. These new lands that they had found were a curious place, and worth exploring, she figured. Especially the ones that were not too far away from her home.

When Ocena stumbled across the curious structure, she was surprised to see a brown figure standing just outside it. She hesitated for a moment, taking a few dainty steps back as she examined the wolf and the . . . thing. This was a strange, a strange place, to say the least. And it was curious to see another out here, clearly interested in this as well. In fact, the wolf seemed to be about to vanish into the entryway. Perhaps he was just as curious about this as Ocena was.

Padding a few steps closer with a flick of her plumy tail, Ocena opened her maw to greet the other. "Hello!" Ocena called out curiously, "You're a member of Glaciem, correct...?" The male smelled of the pack from which she hailed, though he did not look particularly familiar. Glaciem's ranks had been swelling lately, which made Ocena rather happy, but it did have one major downside; she did not know as many of the new wolves as she would have liked.

Or perhaps she was simply going insane and this wolf had no connection with her pack. Still, Ocena padded closer curiously, nostrils flaring as she sniffed the air. The frozen structure smelled no different than the rest of the land, but what did she expect? It seemed to have been there for as long as time, though there was no explanation for why. Normally, Ocena wasn't the most curious of wolves. But this stirred the curiosity within her. So with a glance in the other wolf's direction, Ocena padded a little bit further forward before coming to a stop, fixing mismatched eyes upon the other wolf.
