
Closing These Doors Once More!


02-21-2014, 02:03 AM

The gods would guide her paws, that was what they were telling her. She had been trying to venture farther and farther out of the borders, considering she couldn't be afraid to be alone forever. She did need someone by her side, simply because she was small and not a wolf, but it could wait. The brindled tiger dog made haste across the land with the sun beating down, heating up those odd stripes of hers. Her bounds would be interrupted by the sound of sobbing, and then, by the sound of another responding to that sobbing. The neon pink eyes of the small creature blinked, stopping in the distance far enough to where she was able to see them but they would possibly not be able to see her. She had learned she needed to be cautious considering she was smaller and the wolves could rip her to shreds in moments. She still had no recollection of her memory, but by experience, she was now trying to keep herself from breaking into tiny little pieces figuratively.
Crouching low, the dark brindle made herself get closer. Her ears perked, fluffy tail cocked behind her, ready to run if she needed it. Her coat didn't exactly help to keep her hidden, but her size certainly did it's job. Only standing at twenty inches had its perks, if not any at all. Though she was curious as to what was wrong with the blackened female, was she hurting? On the inside it would be harder to console after all she wasn't sure how. Tankyu-sha wasn't exactly the best at consoling even with her brave kindness. She was well adaptable since her amnesia. And it was something she didn't want to get rid of. The tiger dog couldn't imagine what would happen if she remembered any family, if she would be sad over it.
With a sigh, she decided to make herself known but still stayed cautious. She was vulnerable out here, no one from ludicael could help her. "Excuse me, are things alright here?" she asked, a good question as any. As she stayed low, her tail and paws ready at any moment to escape snapping jaws to tear her apart. Her Neon pink eyes went from the white, to the black, and she frowned slightly. It made her sad to see others sad honestly, knowing she couldn't help them with her lack of the doubt. Not to mention, she wasn't quiet sure what could really bother a wolf. They were large and powerful creatures from what she had seen so far.
