
Do I know this Place? [Arcane/re-joining]



03-24-2013, 12:40 AM

The way she was acting, honestly it was quite pitiful. How was one supposed to act when her mate and children had died so brutally? She should have gotten over it. Moved on to a new male. There were plenty of them in Glaciem. Many handsome ones that she surely could have lured in with her good looks. She wasn't the most feminine looking creature, but she did have a beautiful eye-catching coat. Unfortunately every memory replayed in her head. She couldn't decide if Garnet's death or Cryptic's death was the worst out of her kids. Garnet had been killed by the jaws of her mate and Cryptic had starved herself and gotten sick from depression. She didn't last long.

She herself was thin looking and rather sickly. She only ate to appease the rest of her family and even then she never ate much. Most of her time was spent wandering around aimlessly or resting in her den. A hollow look had overtaken her features. In reality she looked pathetic, but who wouldn't?

This day was spent like all the others. She wandered alone kicking up snow as she trudged through it. Her pace was dreadfully slow and her tail hung limply behind her. Head pointed to the ground and eyes dropped to look at the snow as she walked. She almost didn't hear that painfully familiar cry for help that she remembered so well.

Her head lifted up and a surprised look overtook the depressed one. Blue eyes flecked with green widened and her legs took a mind of her own and propelled her body towards that other blackened wolf at alarming speed for one so sick looking.

She slowed as she he came into view. Her heart began to beat painfully fast and yet where she should have felt happiness, she only felt misery and anguish. It was destroying her to see him rather than building her. Just when she'd begun to progress forward she was being drug backwards again at just the mere sight of him. He was a wreck. He looked as though he'd been mauled a few times and then drug through the dirt for good measure. Nothing like the glorious warrior she once knew.

She stopped a good distance away unwilling to get any closer. Hollow eyes looked at him painfully as she forced the lump in her throat to disappear. Her voice was emotionless and a bit choked as she spoke.

"Why have you returned?"

The words were harsh sounding and had a bite to them unlike her usual chirpy tones. Very much unlike the real Arcane. Then again that female was long gone and replaced by a whole new wolf.
