
Just Give Me A Reason [Segar]


03-24-2013, 12:48 AM
The ivory dame lifted her head, silver hued oculars blinking rapidly at the sound of her name. She stretched, feeling the pops in her joints. A thousand voices murmuring in her head, made her eyes mist over and a temporary blurriness drift down over her eyes. Reds, whites, and blacks swept across her vision and she shook her head to chase the angry voices away to know avail. She slowly rose to stand, fur just as flawless as always. She swayed uneasily, the voices did not usually hit her this hard and so many of them were overwhelming. "What's wrong? I have to get home, Seracia, Segar..." Her speech was slurred, her tongue thick, she did not posess the fluidity she usually had.

You will die out here in the blistery heat! No more fishies with tenderized meats! One bellowed, its voice echoing as another overode it. Foolish idiot! You never should have meft in the first place! The screech shattered her cranium, and a half hearted grown ripped herself free from her larynx. Segar, Octavian how much destruction will you be responsible for? They never ended, shattering her, breaking her and she allowed her legs to collapse beneath her a second time, ears careening back against her skull, a soft whine emitting from her maw. "Stop... please stop."