
Sweet punishment

Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
02-21-2014, 12:00 PM

Her grip would tighten, but only momentarily, before she let him go. The man's jaws were tightly clenched together, gritting his teeth through the pain. How much he had changed since they had first met! Physically, too, he had grown -- he was a massive brute now, no longer awkward as he had been as a boy, but truly a sizable opponent. And yet he did not dare fight her. She had taught him so much, and despite her temper, he could not help but want her continued company.

She spoke, her words wise and far calmer than usual, and he thought. "I will never forget what she has done to me," he promised her, facing her with wide purple eyes. The fire would light in his gaze, bright and fierce, as he spoke. "But rumor has it that she is no longer in these lands. There has been no sign of her for many months." He had learned this much from Deteste, and no more.

His mind would reel as she spoke, going over the possibilities, and the choices he had made. He wondered if perhaps he had been mislead. He had put his trust in Deteste, and to what avail? He had thrust a woman he did not even know into power. Rumor was that he had fallen ill, but Basilisk had not seen him for some time. The Redwood forest was his by birthright. "I want what I deserve," he said carefully, sneering slightly; not at Cataleya, but at those that had wronged him. The list was growing long in his head. "And what you deserve." They were powerful and deserved so much more than what they had received. "But we need followers first." Wolves who craved power and control like they did. Was it possible?