
on a mission



10 Years
02-21-2014, 12:23 PM (This post was last modified: 02-21-2014, 12:26 PM by Ara.)

Despite having grown up in a pack, and despite knowing that packs held lands when they were able to inhabit them and defend them, it was strange to her that this place had so recently been a free land. She had been able to wander it freely, and now, here she was -- calling so warily to see if she might be granted permission to enter. It seemed much more fair to consider the world a free place, open for all to walk upon, but such was not the case. Ara was not the type to fight such restrictions, even if they struck her as odd, and so she would wait patiently for a response.

She would remained poised on the pads of her paws, ready to flee if she had to. She was oblivious to the kind of wolves right here, and unwilling to put herself in danger. She had parents to take care of -- they needed her as badly as she needed them. And yet her mind would wander as a female approached, her demeanor far from threatening. She looked nervous, almost, and Ara wondered why. "Hi," she started, tail flicking idly behind her form. Her stance was unassuming, but her eyes hardly blinked as she watched the stranger. "I don't mean to intrude..." the yearling started, hoping the lady wouldn't run her off. Ara watched as the woman set down a stalk of lavender, a smile teasing the corners of her lips. "I.. I was hoping I could speak to someone in charge?" She suggested gently.