
Sweet Dreams Child [open]



03-24-2013, 02:01 AM

His daughter accepted his condescending words with a meek "yes father" and it pleased the male. A content noise escaped from his vocals before he approached her and pressed a nose to her forehead in an odd, yet affectionate gesture. He wasn't fond of others, not truly at least. He'd put on a face and pretend to like others, but if he had to say something, he truly did love his children. They reminded him of his deceased siblings, and they were his blood. He wasn't completely a monster.

"Good girl."

He praised her now that she had accepted his harsh words. He wouldn't badger her about her behavior. If he was lucky she would continue to behave, then he could convince Kaien to give her a position worth having if she proved herself. For now she had a bit of growing up to do.

An amused look entered his eyes as his attention turned to Grinner as he got an answer. He was used to sarcastic remarks and mocking tones. It was no different than what he did and he was remarkable at letting it roll off his shoulders like it was nothing.

"I'm afraid your mistake. Nnoitra Jaeger though I don't expect a wolf such as yourself to care much for such names. The fair minded can only handle so many syllables after all."

Grinner had teased his young and then joked about his own name. Nnoitra meant no harm with the jokes himself, but he wasn't about to take damage without returning it. No. He'd play games too. Even if it meant possibly pissing the other off. Though if they couldn't take a good joke then they really had no business being in Tortuga.
