
Strangers are just friends you haven't yet met.


02-21-2014, 04:00 PM

The male's reaction was an interesting one, yet it was one she had seen before. Others thinking she was a fox was common, some even gave her a nickname relating to the creatures and it since it was true that she looked like a fox she was not offended. This close though a wolf would normally tell she was one of them by the scent. That was something she thought of as the male continued to speak. He was friendly, non-aggressive, and had the manners to give his name before asking of hers. Not only that he was inviting and willing to talk. She wasn't always social but she did enjoy a good conversation.

Isabella nodded and opened her maw to speak but was interrupted before she could get a word out. "A fox!? Really now how dare you? Madam Izzy is a wolf and a fine one too! You owe her an apology." The gecko sprinted forward but Isabella steeped sideways and blocked his path with a back paw. "You forget your own size." She said turning her head to him as she felt comfortable enough to take her eyes off the male. "Besides," turning her head back to the male she went on. "it is a mistake I am used to, and it is no offence. No apology is needed...besides." Pausing she turned her head and sniffed along her side. Indeed she smelled of a fox, that was interesting.

"It seems the den we stayed in was indeed an old fox den, the scent of the owner must have been left behind." That was directed at Alphonso; hoping her icy words would calm the fiery gecko. He huffed but stayed silent as Isabella turned back to the male. "Now then, my name is Isabella, as this one, Alphonso had..almost sated. My family name is VentFlurrer I too am a loner." Isabella dipped her head in greeting and to show despite her voice she held no anger toward Rane. "I would not mind talking for a while, I know of the land but I can talk of anything." She spoke as her head lifted. Moving over to the male she sat, not close enough to make either of them uncomfortable yet close enough to have the conversation be a bit more formal. Still as she sat she kept a thought in her mind to be ready to run from the male if he was deceiving her.

To better keep an eye on the male, Alphonso moved to his other side and settled down eyeing him suspiciously. "I'm Alphonso the humble gecko. I watch over Isabella as much as she watches over me." He made it clear though despite his small size he had a lot of bravado and he would be watching Rane. Isabella almost chuckled, though it was worrisome to have a wolf between her and him she knew he was fast enough to dash off if something happened. Either way, his personalty did make her smile on the inside. Normally she would feel like she needed to apologize for his words, but this time the male invited them both to speak so she figured he would be able to handle him, perhaps even calm him down.

"My words are for all.""My thoughts are not."