
Second Chances All Around



02-21-2014, 04:35 PM

If i could just see it all - just like a fly on the wall

Would i be able to accept what i can't control?

Razo could only sigh in exasperation at the woman's hellfire and brimstone personality. Honestly, how did she even find time to breathe? He sighed and shook his head at her as she ranted and raved. It only made sense one fed lies for their entire life would swallow them so readily. "Well, whatever you choose to believe makes no difference to me," he said with a shrug. In all honesty, once he got away from the she-devil he had marked plans to avoid her. Her intentions and opinions meant very little in the long run. She labeled him one of the worst, and he could not but agree. His gut, while mercifully free of blood, ached. His body was as mortal as hers, so why couldn't she grasp that he had changed? Quite unexpectedly she leapt forward and clasped her jaws around his nose, trying to mar him with any means necessary. With a startled sneeze Razo backpedaled wildly, trying to shake her off. "Ger'off Plat, ow! Whud'I do 'o you in th' firs' place!" He did not snarl or growl of curse, but his brows did narrow in confusion. He'd only been trying to take a nap for godssakes! Finally freeing himself from her jaws he skittered back a few paces. "Gods, Plat! Honestly, I'm no traitor, I swear it! I just want to leave that life behind me, alright? Settle down, find a home and a mate. Is that too much to ask? There's enough people out killing and savaging, they don't need my help!" The words came from his heart, for all he doubted she'd believe them.
