
Sand, Stars, and Sorrow.


02-21-2014, 04:38 PM

Grass, trees, and even water, albeit a small pool of water, were such odd things to see in the middle of the sands. Yet with Alphonso as her guide Isabella was able to see it all with her own icy eyes. "Beautiful." The fox colored wolf stated with a very light smile as she walked to the edge of the pool. "Isn't it though? I used to come here all the time, the plants draw in the best bugs." Alphonso stated as Isabella lowered her head and let Alphonso walk to the ground. "Thank you for being my guide tonight." Her eyes held the kindness her voice did not before she looked around the area before spying an old decaying palm tree.

"No problem Madam Izzy, I am just glad you were smart enough to travel by night." The gecko stated looking up at the sky. Isabella only nodded as she went over to the tree, rose up on her hind legs as best she could and brought herself down on the trunk, breaking it open. "Even in the desert there were insects hiding in trees, all of them yours as my thanks." Isabella said with another faint smile. Alphonso was one she never minded smiling around though even then it was typically not much of a smile. Alphonso however did seem to have a wide smile on his face as he looked at the bug buffet before him. "Amazing Madam Izzy! I shall feast like a king." Isabella nodded as Alphonso dashed over to the log and comped down on anything he could get his jaws on.

While he ate his fill, Isabella moved to the grass and lay down looking up at the sky. Here the stars were endless, there were no trees to block them, no clouds nothing but as many stars above them as grains of sand all around them. Though it was beautiful, peaceful Isabella felt nothing but uneasy. The only reason she took such along walk was because of an old recurring nightmare struck her. It was a day she would never forget, the day she knew to close off all emotion. That day she was forced to kill another wolf in the most painful way she could after her Alphas, Betas, and her parents had torturing the shaggy male. She tired all she could to give it a quick death but remembered the feeling of her father seized her scruff and pulled her back making her own fangs do enough damage to the wolf to have him bleed out of a massive gaping wound.

That wolf never did anything wrong, the Alphas just wanted to show her how they had 'power' how they cut down any wolf that so much as looked at them wrong. It was awful, Isabella knew all life was important and special, every kill should be a quick clean one in her eyes. That night would never leave her mind, perhaps it would never leave her dreams. "I hope you can at least rest well...." She spoke looking to the stars as if asking for an answer. Her voice was soft as silk, so pure yet filled with enough sorrow to impact the emotions of any who heard it. The nights, when she was alone she did not mind showing such sorrow as if the wolf's spirit would somehow hear here and know she never meant for such a thing to happen.

"My words are for all.""My thoughts are not."