
Restless Summer Air...



5 Years
02-21-2014, 04:58 PM

Raisa could not bear this turmoil. Her mind screamed one thing, her heart another, and in the middle her sanity remained tattered and frayed. How could she fall in love at a time like this. Did she even know what love is? Virgil was so far away, and she had so many responsibilities. The full moon was nearly upon them, and Virgil had not yet appeared, as she had promised. Raisa's heart felt tender and abused. Her stubborn streak was pacing within her, urging the woman to return to her wild, heedless ways. If she wants you, she can come get you, it screamed at her. Are you her property, that you may only act when she sees fit? You are your own wolf! Raisa shook her head viciously. Was she? All that had seemed so certain before had now been cast about like a singular grain of sand on a beach. Raisa could no longer find the wolf she had once been. Belatedly, Raisa realized she was not alone. Another wolf, male by his scent, had wandered onto her lands. She sighed, just about done with these trespassers, but without the energy to confront him. "Every time I turn around there's someone at my doorstep," she grumbled to herself before setting off to find the stranger. His form, when she came upon him, was pleasing. He seemed of good health a little threat so she approached, every line in her body weary. With a sigh she lay down a few feet away and eyed him levelly. By way of greeting, all she could muster was, "Hey."

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!