
Cross My Heart



03-24-2013, 03:24 AM

The woman's tail waved ecstatically behind her as he allowed her to wrap her arms around him in an odd sort of hug. She pulled away to see him smile. She returned it ten fold revealing pearly white teeth. He tail waved faster. It'd been ages since she'd seen her beloved brother. It pleased her to know that he still cared for her as much as she cared for him. The fact that he was happy to see her increased her mood tremendously.

"How have you been?"

Her tail slowed its crazy bantering and the grin on her visage faded a little at the dreaded question. How could she even begin to answer that. She couldn't lie to him. That would be wrong. She couldn't be another siblings that would fit under the category of betrayal. She had an idea of how he still felt about Crusade and their parents. She didn't want to be cast aside like they had. So many of their family had perished already. She didn't want to go through the pain of losing him too. She also didn't want him to know of her complete misery either.

Soft blue eyes flecked with green drifted downwards and the girl's paws shuffled nervously in the snow. She was reluctant to answer but she would give him one nonetheless.

"I could have fared much better. I had a mate..... and kids..... unfortunately they all perished."

Her voice began to choke at the end and the mere thought of it forced her head to remain lowered. She couldn't meet the gaze of her brother for fear that she might lose it. She'd been trying to avoid such depressing thoughts. It seemed as though it was a futile attempt. Such a thing was impossible.

Regaining her composure she offered him a weak smile and then dared to return the question. It was an attempt to turn the focus from her onto him. Surely things would be far more happy and interesting for him.

"How about you, how have things been on your end?"
