
Another Drab Day

Sucre I


02-22-2014, 12:13 PM (This post was last modified: 02-22-2014, 12:16 PM by Sucre I.)
Ate the bread that once was stone

Fell from a cliff, never broke a bone

The fae's response caused his brain to freeze momentarily and when he recovered, Sucre silently gave her a point for causing his misfire. Well then, if she was gonna go there... "Funny, I was thinking the same thing."

"Well, uh, now that that's out of the way..." Just alluding to the The Itch made his skin prickle. He would, however, resist the urge to scratch it again now that the other male had drawn attention to it. Mock serious, like he'd taken one for the team, he replied, "It had to be done, stranger." The brute's hide twitched, his whole left side jumping spastically. Sucre resisted. His itchy skin wouldn't become the center of their conversation if he could help it.

The other brute commented on his manners and Su was quick to point out his own lack of courtesy. "I don't see you jumping up for the lady either." Really, chivalry was dead so she should get her own food, but that was beside the point and he'd have thought about that mental statement further had they pair not started to comment on his dashing good looks.

Whoa, whoa, whoa! The sarcasm wasn't necessary and they were needlessly, irreversibly wounding him, and the brute took on an air of hurt pride in response. It was all for show though; his words betrayed how false the gesture was. "A tragedy indeed! Can you imagine Alacritis without this enchanting face? You've done the land a great disservice just by asking me to risk it." Alright, alright, Su voted they turn their attention on the other male now. It was his turn to come under fire and take a few hits. "So, what's holding you back?"

Sassmonger. He liked it. Maybe he'd start introducing himself that way. Mr. Sassmonger? Mr. President, the Divine and Wonderful Lord Sassmonger. Yeah, had a nice ring to it. Sucre dipped his head, gracing them with a sarcastic bow. "Name's Sucre. What's yours, grumpy gills?"

Bowed down to get the kings overthrownSucre