
Go The Distance



5 Years
02-22-2014, 03:28 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

In the sea of strangers, Circe was a welcome sight. At last, a token of her old life to which Callisto could gravitate toward had arrived, regardless of the tenuous relationship the girls shared with each other though for no lack of effort on Circe's part. The black and grey youth fixed her attention solely upon the mottled brown girl as she stepped upon the scene within the territory of the lake, looking appropriately apprehensive and confused. For having always kept to herself, Callisto had not felt shocked at her own ignorance pertaining the status of their home, but Circe had always been something of a second shadow to their father, constantly in his company. And yet here she was looking quite lost. Minutely, Calli's brow furrowed, even more puzzled than before.

Blue eyes locked as the less than social girl's sibling took notice of her, and as anticipated being the only two of their family present in a gathering of strange, unfamiliar faces they were drawn together. Callisto merely watched her sibling's progress as Circe maneuvered with the same trepidation over to join her, and Callisto said nothing, welcoming her presence with a quiet yet tolerant silence. She was reluctant to say so aloud, but it felt better having the other girl there. Being alone had never been an issue before but there was a certain comfort that could only be taken in the familiar, and with there being only one face amongst this assembly that she could rightly identify they had somehow become unspoken allies.

Her silence continued as the white woman addressed the members of Deteste's Tortuga, and at last one of the questions that had been roaming through her thoughts had been answered. Deteste was ill. So ill it seemed that he could not even perform the duties required of him for the pack. A sidelong glance was cast at her sister - How did she not know? - before returning to Roman, the apparent new leader of their home. But already it was changing. Deteste's laws had been lax and easy, and this woman left no question that she intended to turn them all into soldiers. Callisto blinked, sighed. She supposed it entirely possible to alter herself for such a life, to strengthen and train and turn her body into a machine of some sort. The only problem was she had no interest in it.

Home no longer felt like home. Callisto cast her attention toward Circe, turning an assessing glance on her timid sibling. Would she change as this woman asked? Would she become a drone for her army? And what of their father? Thinking of him, Callisto shifted her gaze away with a thoughtful blink and then sat up to stare at Roman, pausing a brief moment in the quiet given over for the pack to speak before she lifted her voice in question. "What of us? Does Deteste leave any message for his children?" What did the old man wish for them to do? Stay? Leave? Choose for themselves? Despite her growing attachment to the Gorge, this new regime with its militaristic basis was hardly appealing.