
The time has come!(Xenios)



03-24-2013, 06:54 AM

Adrenaline was a new thing for me. I hadn't even felt it this powerful when the volcano erupted and we were forced to flee. This was a whole new feeling and a whole new fear. For a minute I was worried that he wouldn't catch me. That he wouldn't reach me in time. The drug that coursed through my veins gave me power despite my tired state. He came to my rescue though. Soon I felt teeth clamp onto my scruff in a firm vice as my father struggled to pull me up.

Upon his demand I obliged and with a mighty heave he and I managed to get my body back onto the platform enough for me to finished scrambling back up. As soon as I was lying safely on the ledge I relaxed just lying there for the time being as I caught my breath. That certainly was too close for comfort.

"You idiot. You fumbling fool. You could have killed usssss.

He hissed at me angrily. My facial expression changed to that of a very pissed off wolf. My nose wrinkled and my ears pinned back against my head. It took a lot to remember that my father would get confused if I spoke aloud like I normally did when I was upset with Him.

"Shut it. I didn't ask for your commentary."

Silence ensued and I finally got to my feet pleased that I'd managed to get him to shut the hell up for the time being. Upon the mention of a run my shoulders sagged in defeat. I was still recovering from the last test. How did he expect me to run against his powerful form? He was a Lead Warrior. I was just a pup in training.

"Okay Daddy. But you're probably gonna beat me. I may be small, but you're stronger than I am. I'll only last for so long.

I had a problem with pouting and from my words one could definitely tell I had a big attitude. I had no problem complying to what was being asked of me. I just was being a major pessimist.

I nodded my head though and obliged to his command and began to pick my way down the mountain heading towards the other side. This was gonna wear me out big time. I could feel it. Either way I'd do what he wanted for now. I just knew I was gonna feel absolutely wretched tomorrow morning.

"He speaks"