


02-22-2014, 09:37 PM
OOC: Gore yo


The woman wandered among the boulders, unaware of the fact that she was tresspassing on a pack's territory. The scent that met her nostrils was that of another woman. She did not recognise it. Pawsteps were heard not far from N?tt, not far at all. A sick smile worked it's way onto her face. She did not normally kill for fun, but today she was bored and she had not gotten what she had wanted with Weth, the death of her bitch of a half sister. She spotted the woman in front of a boulder. She came up behind said boulder, and slowly crept around the right side of it. Brief recognition of a scent flashed across the woman's face, but it was too late. N?tt was already throwing herself at full force at her, jaws clamping around the right side of her neck. The woman tried to wriggle free, to snap and claw at her, but her attempts were futile. N?tt still had a firm grasp on the woman, she needed her to stop struggling. N?tt immediately had an idea. Luckily the woman was pretty weak. She pulled her closer to the boulder and with all the force she cold muster, slammed the woman's head into it. She of course felt the impact as well, not as severely as her though. She was a little dazed but recovered quickly. The woman had gone a little limp. She opened her jaws and she fell to the ground. Still concious. Even better, she would see the fear and pain in her face as she died. Be able to savour her every last scream. She studied her, a pretty little thing, bright blue eyes and white fur, now stained with a crimson trickle from the impact. She looked barley concious. She leaned down to the woman and took her leg in her jaws, biting down and crushing her bones. The shrill scream that came from her lips caused a giggle to bubble up from N?tt's throat when she had dropped the leg. She repeated the process on the other hind leg, ensuring that she could not escape. She grinned and moved over the woman's face, You're all mine now love. The whine of pain made her smile ever wider, the manic grin pasted over the socipath's face was the last thing the innocent woman would ever see. Her jaws came down on the woman's stomach tearing and shredding. She shuddered in pleasure, the woman's screams echoing through the land. Crimson liquid filled her mouth and coated the area, spattering the boulder and spreading out in a pool around her. N?tt leaned down again and grabbed gods knew what out of her opened front, some internal organ. In an instant, the woman was still. Her creams silenced. A manic light danced in the obsidian fae's eyes. Killing was nothing. A game, some fun, it certainly had been for her, not for her poor woman who was now lying on the ground, torn apart. She stared at the body until a sick laugh spurted from her ebony lips, crazed and manic. This all seemed to be a part of a game to her. Her twisted actions were nothing.


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