
Memories and Places



4 Years
02-22-2014, 11:14 PM

Thor's rump had just barely grazed the ground when the healer issued another order. He hauled himself up and shook out his coat, flinging water in every direction. The healer, Erani, (from Valhalla, no less) continued handing out assignments and Thor hung around for perhaps a second too long, much like the smell of Hati's pus eruption. Call him nosy, but he wanted to see what the others got saddled with.

The words out of Hati's mouth were just as bad as his breath. Sure, to some extent Thor agreed with him, but he didn't have to be such a dick to the wolf who was practically scooping out his pus-filled shoulder with her paws. Well, maybe he did; what went on in Hati's head was a mystery to him. Really though, would it kill him to shut his trap for just a little while and accept a kindness? "Ignore him, it's not the infection that's going to kill him, but the charity. He's allergic to kindness."

Alright, so him, Baldur and Loki. The three amigos? Hardly. But maybe they could work together for a little bit longer. At some point Loki was likely to just spring away and never return. Thor could see it now...the three of them barreling after a deer, closing the distance and getting ready to bring it down...and Loki suddenly veering off to disappear into the sunset, having finally gotten/achieved/witnessed whatever it was he'd stuck around so long for.

Breaking away from the group, Thor set out in search of some kind of game. Something a bit bigger than a rabbit would be great, but he'd take a bunny if that was all he could find.

Having no knowledge of the land, he didn't know where to start, so he simply wandered around with his nose to the breeze. The healer had mentioned beaver and even though that was an easy catch she'd said they were off limits, and he didn't really feel like butting heads with that particular wolf.

The brute paused above a sheltered creek bed, nose twitching. He couldn't quite see through the trees, but some kind of ungulate was down there.


OOC: Not sure you guys want to handle the hunt. If you all want to wrap it up this round feel free to include Thor's actions in your post. If you want to start a new thread, go right ahead, I'll jump in.
[Image: 2z9gv88.png]