



02-23-2014, 12:50 AM (This post was last modified: 02-23-2014, 08:21 PM by Imena.)

Erani was silent but had nodded to her words. Silently they sat and waited for the others to arrive. Sky blue eyes watched and searched. She held some hope that Cael would come, that maybe he had gone somewhere for a long time but would answer to his Aunt's call. But as the crowd got larger she did not see her mate's figure among them. Her heart sank farther when Caerul came alone. She had hoped that maybe his brother might know where Cael was. But seeing him alone and not a trace of Cael's scent on her told her he did not. Her eyes fell to her paws as her shoulders sank down also.

Quickly though her mind was busy at checking off a mental list of her packmates. Some came, others did not, more so though strangers had answered to Erani's howl. First she noticed a dull brown female with white of all four legs and her face. She seemed skittish so Imena made no move of notice that she knew the girl was there. She did not want to scare her away. Her two little scars above the brows made Imena glance at Erani's own scars. They seemed so similar. Could they possible know each other? Another young male joined the group with the same scars as the young female. What was going on? Before she could ponder on it more Erani spoke. Eyes lifted up to watch the white women, a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips. Erani would hold them together. She was probably the other one that could if Chrysanthe was not here. It saddened her to hear that her glorious alpha had lost a battle. It angered her to hear the pack was no more due to the Glaciem tool taken it. But there was hope too, there always would be.

The mention of a mating ceremony hit the dark woman. It wasn't that she didn't think it was a good idea, but where was her's? Ears fell down to her paws to hide the hurt and jealously that rolled within her. Her wedding was supposed to be a bring the pack together but only a few had showed up. And now when she had already asked Chrysanthe about baring pups, Cael had gone missing. Her chest seemed to squeeze in on itself as she tried to surpress her emotions. She had to be strong right now, Erani needed her, the pack needed her. Head lifted back up the scan the group. Was she the only other Healer to show up other than Erani? It Erani was to be alpha, did that make Imena the head Healer now? Ears twitched trying not to put her hopes to high. But if she did could she carry that title? She hoped she could. Head turned to Erani, sky blue eyes on the older woman.I'll stand by you Erani. This pack, your family has offered me so much. I will always be here for you. She said softly.
