
Someone To Save Me



9 Years
05-12-2014, 08:19 PM

The mists curled around him. Translucent green eyes staring at nothing as the dragonflies had darted off long ago. Haunches found the floor, the place he had wandered to unknown to him. It wasn't until a voice came up behind him that he would turn, eyes seeking out the form of a black male. He gazed at him, and he would remember. "Cormalin? I'm sorry for trespassing, I've..never been this far from the North before." His voice had changed since he had grown, less puppylike and more that of a teenager. His coat had taken on it's full colors, markings more noticeable now that his puppy fluff was all gone.

His eyes would carry a saddened look in them, though his voice never shook. Cormalin seemed to have been the only real friend that Rin had, even for a prisoner, Rin had never treated him as such. Then again, Rin had been in his place for no reason other then wanting to follow someone else to learn new things after his pack had been neglecting him. And now, he wasn't sure if he hated his old pack or if he simply didn't care anymore. But he felt blame for them, for the reason he was the way he is now. They didn't care. The only one that probably did was his mother, maybe his two siblings that he made a pact with. But not even they had wanted to follow him out of that hell hole. Should he tell Cormalin that he had left? Or would he blame and accuse him for abandoning his so called 'home'? He wasn't sure if he could tell him, so he would simply glance away. Hiding what was unsaid.


Fight Inside by Red on Grooveshark


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