
-- Burn.



5 Years
Extra large
05-12-2014, 08:35 PM
She would watch him ever intently, bright orchid gaze peering into his very desires as she swayed by him. Right before him she would hover tantalizingly, becoming ever aware of what she was doing to him. He he not been stubborn, and so enthralled with the play he would have ended everything then. He wished her submitence more with every word that trickles from her delicate mouth. Still she seemed nervous, like she was walking on egg shells. As though he were the mighty predator and she the frightened prey. Maybe she was. Porcelain lips would take up his name, unsure of the pronunciation. Obviously her accent had given away that she had not found residence here long. Which meant she wouldn't have any advantage over him should she choose a quick chase through the darkened wood. Still observing he carefully the tall wolf's vibrant gaze would watch as she settled herself back onto her graceful haunches. Her paw used to smear the tar deeper into her fur.?

Her answer to his question would be anti-climatic, to cross the treacherous landscape with no reward would only ring foolishness in his minds eye. However she could do whatever she wished, and if covering herself with tar was acceptable, well he would just continue to enjoy the view. They would rest in silence for a time, both looking over their opponent's with seasoned eyes. Content to memorize her even better he would not be the one to interrupt their quiet buffet, her words would question him. "Ah, but the Lady is so much more interesting than she realizes..." his quiet gruff voice would betray his intentions once more, "I've told her the tar's scent would draw me forward, and her simple appearance would keep me tethered. However, before tar or woman there was my siblings. We've just arrived in these lands, and my paws carried me from them. And how pleased I am that they did." his roaming eyes would continue their unabashed inspection of her being as she pulled him in to her brilliant appearance.?