
Restless Summer Air...



4 Years
02-23-2014, 12:36 PM (This post was last modified: 02-23-2014, 12:37 PM by Baldur.)

The aire of regality seemed to emanate from the woman and Baldur half wondered at her rank. She was surely fairly high-ranking to carry such a presence. While a prince himself, he supposed, his aire had mellowed out quite a bit though as he'd matured his formerly klutzy nature was taking on more and more grace as he aged. And despite his uncertain in the future there was a deliberateness to the way the man moved.

Clear, blue eyes, like a winter sky lingered on the femme, drinking in her strong and regal form and her beauty that marked her like a storm. Fierce and stunning. She introduced herself as Raisa Xanilov. Baldur smiled and nodded in thanks that she had so willingly gifted her name. It was a lovely name, exotic and yet also familiar. Perhaps she'd also come from an area similar to the one he was raised?

Baldur's snow-kissed ears flicked forward as Raisa asked him her question. It was clear that this was a weight on her mind though Baldur was no sage he'd try his best to answer her. "I guess it depends on who you're waiting for." He rolled back onto his stomach, sitting elegantly like a sphynx as he turned to face her. He mulled over her question a few moments more before speaking again. "But? and this may just be me speaking. Life is not a waiting game and you have as much a right to live your life. As for letting go? Honey, if you don't let go once in awhile you'll drive yourself crazy. I've seen it? it ain't pretty. And you absolutely gorgeous." The words slipped from his maw like rain before he could lap the words back up. But rather than feeling embarrassed he just looked to meet her eyes. His words were sincere and if she wanted to push them back at him that was fine. Baldur was tired of always worrying about the impression he'd make. That wasn't his style anyway.