
Hurt [open]


03-24-2013, 10:21 AM

Her onyx eyes had lightened as she grew, turning a soft amber and loosing their innocent-like charm. She was still just as bubbly and cheerful as she had ever been, she was just a touch more grown up, she didn't go barreling into wolves anymore...well except Cetotorah, but he didn't count. She had grown into her body, beautifully. She wasn't insanely tall, nor was she exceptionally muscular, she was slender and trim, muscles being well developed from her time in both the water and training with her best friend.

However at the moment, she felt neither pretty nor strong. Blood oozed from her side, dripping from the gaping wound and matting in her tan fur. It made her wince, it made her cringe with every step she took upon the grass. A hunting journey had taken her a few miles from the lake and she had made one wrong move, antlers had gorged into her side, spearing her and sending her careening through the air. She had still manged to claim the life of the does fawn, but now she was feeling the after effects since the adrenaline had worn off.

Front paws dipped into the icy waters of the lake, a groan pulling itself from her maw as she collapsed into the shallow waters, the gentle lapping of the water feeling amazing against the injury. Her eyes fluttered shut, her body relaxing as the water soothed her muscles... perhaps if she just rested a bit she could work up the strength to get home.
