



4 Years
02-23-2014, 02:01 PM
Name: Sindri (Russian)
Gender: Female
Design: #6 but with ghost markings like Raisa's that are only visible in direct sunlight. Anyone want a twin? Doesn't absolutely have to be this design, so if you prefer another but would like to be twins, I'll probably be okay with that.
Alignment: Neutral
Inquisitive, high energy, cheerful - Her days will be filled with adventuring and pestering. Sindri will want to know everything about everything and her favorite word will be 'why'. The world will fascinate her to no end and when she isn't goofing around she'll move from mystery to mystery with a quiet intensity. She'll smile a lot, often times at nothing in particular, simply because she's happy.

Touchy - Touch is something she's going to struggle with. Light touches will upset her, sometimes even anger her, which could lead to confusion or hurt feelings. Likely seen as an overreaction, she'll be easily moved to tears by little gestures like poking. A quirk of hers is that rain will solicit a meltdown, but large bodies of water will draw her in and she'll spend hours simply floating. To Sindri, all touch invokes an instinctively defensive response, but as she gets older, it's likely that she'll grow to tolerate most kinds save for the lightest. Because of this aversion, roughhousing definitely won't be her thing, and while she'll play rough if her siblings initiate it, it's not something Sindri will feel inclined to start on her own and what her siblings might mistake for a willingness to continue will actually be an aggressive attempt to get them to stop. She'd much rather stick a skunk in their den or drop water on a sleeping sibling than play fight which leads me to the next bulletpoint...

Mischievous - Mischief will be her downfall, for Sindri is constantly thinking of ways to get a laugh, even if it's just her own. Perhaps a bit devious in her thinking, others should pay very close attention whenever she falls silent because silence means she's plotting something; whether it's revenge or a prank, you won't know until it's too late.

Sarcastic - Taking after her mother, Sindri will develop a liking for sarcasm and this will be the weapon she uses to combat stupidity. She'll use it sparingly, though, choosing to work her disdain into the conversation subtly--a series of small victories that will please her to no end but leave the fool none the wiser.

Sensitive, meticulous - Sindri will be quiet and thoughtful, neither prone to violence or easily angered. She'll prefer using her mind over her body to solve problems and will be the kind of problem-solver that gets things done if her heart is in it. If she has nothing invested in the problem then it's likely she won't willingly be part of the solution. The one downfall to her problem-solving is that she'll get caught up in little details. Tiny imperfections will send her into a tail spin and if she doesn't get a hold of herself, Sindi will get so focused on the minute that she won't be able to function properly.

Easily overwhelmed - When filled with energy that has no outlet, Sindri will be moved to fidget or make noise; she'll need to do something, anything, to expel the energy. She'll repeat words, shake her head, stomp her paws or say nonsense.

Clueless, abrasive - Reading faces is never going to be her thing. Unless someone blatantly tells her how they're feeling, it's likely that Sindri won't be able to tell. The feelings of others are going to be a mystery to her, but that doesn't mean she won't care. It's possible that others will label her as detached and uncaring, but that couldn't be farther from the truth. Just because she'll struggle with identifying what someone is feeling doesn't mean she's indifferent. In reality, Sindri is rather sensitive and as an adult, if she's developed her empathetic side, caring for others will come easily. All she has to do is learn to ask.

She'll be prone to idol worshiping, although those she looks up to will be chosen with care and project the characteristics she wishes to grow into. Oddities aside, Sindri will be a careful, thoughtful thinker.

Gemstore Purchases: None right off the bat, but eventually she'll get a fox.
[Image: 2z9gv88.png]