
What's This?


02-23-2014, 03:07 PM
Ooc:: I don't mind. :3

The meeting of a loner, who may have been a support. Though he had seemed to disappear. It was disappointing, but Birch would not allow that to daunt his spirits. Another wolf, named Virgil, who could possibly be a threat. He would make a special note of that name in his mind. Any wolf who was a potential threat would definitely need to be monitored. Especially once their pack was set up. However if this Raisa wolf could truly become an ally then perhaps things would be a bit more simple. The final wolf she would speak of was a male, one who she had faith in. Birch would give a nod. So they had a true supporter for their pack. On top of that . ?owyn believed she might have found the bay they were looking for. The male would smile warmly. "A bit of news indeed. I will definitely look forward to meeting Pharos as well." He would shift a bit, ears perking forward as he asked his next question. "Do you think we should head back that direction, ?o?" He would ask, unsure if she wanted to see if there was another bay perhaps in the North that would fit the description of Fontamo Bay.