


02-23-2014, 03:24 PM
Out-of-Character Name: Keno
Age: 21

Character's Name: F?licien Ambroise Desgroire
Age: Pup
Season of Birth: Summer
Adult Height: 30"
Appearance Description: The base coat of F?licien is made of a light cream that coats much of his form. Darker cream lays like a blanket across his back and over his head, shaping around his face. A lovely shade of brown coats his belly and the underside of his tail, gracing his ears and even making appearances upon his face and on occasional hairs on his back. The bit of brown on his face mainly rests closer to his crown, near the fronts of his ears in small patches, and in the slash-like marks under his eyes he inherited from his mother. Small red-orange dots rest above eyes that match his mother's own in color, though mirror their position; his left eye is a vivid blue while the right is a pale yellow.

When it comes to build F?li is on the smaller side of an medium wolf, caught in between the height of his parents at 30". Being a male, he is a little larger than a female his size with a well kept, fluffy coat. The coat, while being a bit on the thicker side, is not so much that it would cause problems with overheating during the summer, but it not so thick that he would do above average in the colder months or snow. Still, it is enough to keep him warm and has a nice shine to it, showing his health. F?licien inherited his mother's shorter, rounded ears and has a shorter than average muzzle. He has muscle, but not in an excessive amount, with softer, more delicate features, especially in his face, that will give him a look that makes him appear younger than he actually is.

Other Information: Is twin to Sorrel, however they are mirror twins {meaning that their bi-colored eyes have their colors switched.}

Almost forgot! Purchase for pup slot and character slot. -Click.-