
Do I know this Place? [Arcane/re-joining]


03-24-2013, 10:27 AM

Very close behind his call a young grey female came rushing to the border. She stopped farther away than Saix was to the border, but close enough for their words to be heard. The dame looked shocked, she looked surprised. Her stomach was thin and her body was empty. Those eyes looked scarred, they were destroyed. Those beautiful eyes that seemed so familiar to him, were destroyed. But he did not pity the female, not even feel for her. But there was something inside that wanted to help her, wanted to console her. Saix looked into the green speckled eyes even from the far distance, and her voice cracked and crumbled to the little words she spoke. It tore him up inside, and he felt that pain and pity for her. It tore him up, it made him want to she'd tears for her. His eyes looked painfully into hers for a little longer after she spoke, but he came back to reality and notices he did not know this dame.

"Well miss..." Saix's voice had not changed since then, but his appearance and his mind were way off into nowhere. "I've come to find out if I belonged here.. I lost my memory and a young female told me to come here. The scent seems familiar to me." Saix have a small smirk out of his maw to comfort the dame. "So do you know who I am miss?" his head crooked to the side an he kept his smile. It was promising he was from Glaciem so he took one step towards the borders, but did not cross it.

It did not cross his mind that he had a mate back then, but if he knew that this grey female wolf in front of him had a mental and sexual relationship with him, if he knew that she bared his own pups, he would have broke. If Arcane knew that he had other relations with the young dame that helped him, it would kill her. But Saix didn't know her, so what would be the problem?
