


02-23-2014, 04:34 PM (This post was last modified: 02-26-2014, 03:02 PM by Blizzard.)
Name: Valentina Xanilov

Gender: Female

Design: {12} Valentina is a beautiful young girl, with her main fur color being a gray so light that it appears to be more white than anything; viewed from far away, she is white. A darker gray stripe starts just behind her head, and moves down her back, where it covers her tail entirely in the beautiful shade of metal gray. There is a small mask of a shade of gray just smaller than this around her face, barely visible due to being almost the color of Valentina's main fur color. Some white covers the tips of all four paws, making her look like she had nudged snow onto her paws very gently. The tips of her ears are also the same color, another color just below her ear tips fading slowly into the beautiful shade of white. This shade of white is also just below her eyes, almost outlining them in this beautiful color, and making them stand out against the colors of her fur. A pale brown, lighter than that of her mother's, covers part of all four legs, just above the white that covers her paw tips. This color is also the color below her ears, and a strange marking below her eyes makes the markings look like her mother's, more than any of her siblings in her small litter. But, this is not all. A small stripe, just over her nose, finishes the markings. Her eyes, even though both are the same color, are the ice blue of her mother's.

Alignment: Chaotic neutral, like her mother.


Gemstore Purchases: A silver fox cub as a partner as she gets older, if I get her, and extra pup if needed.