
the future is bright


02-23-2014, 06:07 PM
OOC; you are still welcome to join, and I sincerely request that you do - just have them walking in while he's talking or something :3 I'm only responding so quickly because the week is coming and I'll probs be busy.

Caeto would arrive first, and Maverick's eye would cast fondly upon his son. His mini-me said nothing, and so Maverick would speak first. My son, he chided with affection, accompanied by a dip of his head in greeting. You look more and more handsome each day. He didn't often get the chance to dote upon his children, and so this day would be full of it. Arian came then, and he was pleased to see she had not yet struck off on her own path. A formal goodbye was always better than slipping off into the abyss. She would comment on saying goodbye and leaving, to which he would dip his head and respond. Of course, darling. He gave her a quick smile before beginning his speech, knowing the others could not be far off. My family, I come before you today with words of change. I understand these words may frighten you, and may make you feel uncertain - but it is necessary to share them with you. He cast his vision around for Epiphron, but did not spot her right away. Your mother and I have decided to leave Seracia and seek out a path of our own. We have interest in a fledgeling pack called Ebony, whose values are much like Seracia's. We understand that many of you may be attached to Seracia, and so we will not drag you away if you truly wish to stay. You all are old enough to make your own way in life, and so the option to stay or go will be entirely yours. He sighed, realizing that today would be the last day he saw some of his children - at least for a good while. I ask that you think on this for a moment, and let us know of your decision. We will not frown upon your decision, no matter which choice you make. He would fall silent then, allowing them to ponder on what he had said - and probably come up with a million questions.
