

The Judge


02-23-2014, 07:21 PM


Round 1


clarity ? 0 out of 10 ; failure to mention at what angle six intends to approach virgil (-2). failure to mention exactly where on virgil?s neck that six attempts to bite, i.e. the upper portion, center portion, or base (-1). failure to mention what six hopes to achieve with a bite to virgil?s neck (-2). in regard to six?s attempt to wrap her right foreleg around virgil?s torso, where upon the torso needs to be specified (-2) and also, this seemed unlikely given the fact that six and virgil?s left halves would need to be overlapped in order for six?s left shoulder to impact virgil?s left shoulder, so six?s right forelimb would really need to reach over her own body to get to virgil?s, which seems unlikely, especially when lifting her forelimb so high without severely compromising her balance seems unrealistic on its own (-3).

powerplay ? 6 out of 10 ; there was no clear attempt to close the distance between six and virgil (-2). ??this would cause bruising for them both?? do not assume what your attack will achieve; these need to be made as intentions (-2).

defenses ? 9 out of 10 ; skull lowered, jaws gaping, teeth exposed, hackles raised, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, knees bent, nails gripping, tail out, shoulders squared, abdomen tensed. subtracted one point from initial score for failure to readjust balance as she raised her right forepaw.

attack ? 4 out of 10 ; attempt to slam left shoulder against virgil?s left shoulder to cause bruising (+2, subtracted a single point for minor pp issue). attempt to bite down on virgil?s left-sided neck (+2, subtracted two points for clarity issues). no points awarded for six?s attempt to wrap her foreleg around virgil because it wouldn?t cause any damage.

injuries ? 10 out of 10 ; first round.

round one six total ? 29 out of 50


clarity ? 5 out of 10 ; failure to mention exactly where on virgil?s neck that six manages to hit, i.e. upper neck, middle neck, base of neck (-1). failure to mention where virgil?s left forepaw goes when virgil raises it (-2). in regard to virgil?s attack to the base of six?s neck, it is stated that virgil wishes to ?disable? six, but it is never clarified as to how (-2).

powerplay ? 10 out of 10 ; nothing of note.

defenses ? 9 out of 10 ; limbs spread evenly apart, bent to lower center of gravity, toes splayed, nails gripping, tail out, hackles raised, skull lowered, shoulders rolled, neck scrunched, chin tucked, jaws gaping, eyes narrowed, ears pinned. one point subtracted from initial score for having two paws leave the safety of the earth (this would have been two had there not been mention of virgil redistributing her balance to her hinds, but is still one because having only two grounded paws compromises balance).

attack ? 6 out of 10 ; attempt to thrust her left shoulder into six?s left shoulder and her chest into six?s side in hopes of knocking six off-balance (+3). attempt to slam right forepaw down and outward on six?s back to aide in her attempt at knocking six off-balance (+1). attempt to bite into the bottom of six?s neck (+2, subtracted a point for clarity issue).

injuries ? 10 out of 10 ; first round ? moderate chunk of fur taken from left-sided neck, mild lacerations to flesh located there.

round one virgil total ? 40 out of 50

Round 2


clarity ? 0 out of 10 ; unspecified reason as to why virgil?s shoulder-attack hit six?s chest rather than shoulder (-2). unspecified as to where on six?s chest virgil managed to hit and the severity of the bruising done to her chest (-3). unspecified as to what direction six pivots in order to face virgil at an obtuse angle (-1). unspecified damage to the base of six?s neck from virgil?s attack (-2). failure to specify where upon virgil that six?s forepaws intend to land (-2). failure to mention where upon six that virgil?s right forepaw lands (-2).

powerplay ? 5 out of 10 ; ?virgil wasted no time, bringing her two front paws up to wrap around Six's upper body? virgil did not try to wrap her paws around six at all (-3). again, there is an assumption of the damage that virgil will take for the attempted bite to her left-sided neck. any damage your character wishes to inflict upon another needs to be made as an intention (-2).

defenses ? 5 out of 10 ; limbs bent, nails gripping, shoulders squared, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, abdomen tensed, tail tucked. two points subtracted from initial score for failure to redistribute her balance as she rears back upon her hinds.

attack ? 3 out of 10 ; attempt to worsen damage upon virgil?s left-sided neck (+3, subtracted a point for minor pp issue). attempt to dig her claws into virgil?s back (+0, ineffective tactic and unspecified as to where on virgil?s back six would attempt this attack).

injuries ? 6 out of 10 ; moderate bruising to left-sided chest (judge?s interpretation, -2), half-inch-deep puncture wounds to scruff (-2, judge?s interpretation).

round two six total ? 19 out of 50


clarity ? 3 out of 10 ; failure to specify what part of virgil is attempting to collide into what part of six during her push forwards (-3). failure to specify where upon virgil she receives the scratches from six?s nails (-2). failure to mention the position of virgil?s right forepaw (-2).

powerplay ? 8 out of 10 ; ??then Virgil?s attack to Six?s jaw would cut off?? do not assume what your attack will achieve; these need to be made as intentions (-2).

defenses ? 10 out of 10 ; tail out, grounded limbs spaced evenly apart, weight evenly distributed, limbs bent, toes splayed, nails gripping, hackles raised, skull lowered, shoulders rolled, neck scrunched, chin tucked, jaws gaping, eyes narrowed, ears pinned.

attack ? 7 out of 10 ; bite to six?s left cheek/beneath six?s mandible, attempting to crush the jaw joint (+4, counterattack). attempt to thrust her left forepaw into six?s right armpit, hoping to claw the flesh there (+2, effective nail use since the skin of the armpit is thin). attempt to crash into six (+1, two points subtracted for clarity issues).

injuries ? 7 out of 10 ; moderate laceration to nose (-2), damage pending to neck, mild scratches to unspecified area (-1).

round two virgil total ? 35 out of 50

Round 3


clarity ? 0 out of 10 ; failure to specify why virgil?s jaw attack did not hit in full when her attack landed exactly as intended (-2). failure to specify which cheek of six?s that virgil strikes with her jaws (-1). failure to specify where upon virgil that six attempts to bite; stating that she wishes to strike the flesh wound created before is still not specific enough, especially when six has now created other wounds upon virgil. clarify that she is again attempting to strike the left-sided neck to avoid having to reread the previous rounds in order to know where that is (-1). failure to specify which armpit receives the damage from virgil?s nails and how much damage is exactly done, i.e. mild or moderate lacerations (-3). failure to specify which part of six is attempting to collide into which part of virgil during her hopeful push forward (-3).

powerplay ? 2 out of 10 ; ??after her jaws became free of Virgil's hold?? there was no mention in virgil?s post that she would release her hold upon six, and six made no movement to cause virgil to lose her grasp (-3). failure to respond to virgil?s push forward (-4). ??increase the pain Virgil already suffered from.? do not make assumptions about the other character (-1).

defenses ? 10 out of 10 ; eyes narrowed, teeth exposed, limbs bent, hackles raised, tail tucked, ears pinned, skull lowered, jaws gaping, abdomen tensed, shoulders squared.

attack ? 5 out of 10 ; attempt to worsen damage to left-sided (?) neck (+3, one point deducted for clarity issues). attempt to slam right forepaw onto virgil?s shoulders (+1, one point deducted for clarity issues). attempt to push into virgil (+1, two points deducted for clarity issues).

injuries ? 5 out of 10 ; deep lacerations to left cheek/beneath left-sided mandible (-3), moderate lacerations to right armpit (-2, judge?s interpretation).

round three six total ? 22 out of 50


clarity ? 6 out of 10 ; failure to specify why six?s attempt to strike virgil?s wounds hit beneath the wounded area rather than on it despite the fact that virgil made no movements to redirect the attack (-2). failure to specify exactly what virgil hopes to achieve with a grip beneath six?s chin (-1 because it does touch upon it). failure to specify what portion of virgil?s neck that six grasps, i.e. upper portion, middle portion, lower portion (-1).

powerplay ? 7 out of 10 ; virgil?s attempt to shake her head back and forth on six?s neck is, while not directly stated as such, an ?if this, then this? statement. as in, if virgil manages a grip beneath six?s chin, then she will shake her head back and forth to increase the damage. if/then statements are seen to as unfair because they allow for an extra attack in posts without waiting for the opponent?s response (-3).

defenses ? 10 out of 10 ; hackles raised, scrunched neck, limbs spread equidistant apart, weight evenly distributed, toes spread, claws gripping, tail out, skull lowered, jaws gaping, chin tucked, eyes narrowed, ears pinned.

attack ? 4 out of 10 ; attempt to bite beneath six?s chin (+3, one point deducted for minor clarity issue). no points awarded for attempt to shake her head back and forth because of the powerplay issue. attempt to scrape claws down six?s left side (+1, nails wouldn?t do much damage to this area).

injuries ? 5 out of 10 ; moderate puncture wounds to left-sided neck (-2). moderate bruising/mild lacerations to shoulders (-3). damage pending from six?s attempt to push into virgil because virgil tries to lower herself.

round three virgil total ? 32 out of 50


six ? 70 out of 150

virgil ? 107 out of 150

And the winner is...

virgil! six must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out. virgil remains in control of olympus.


six ? moderate puncture wounds to scruff (will heal in five ooc days), moderate bruising to left-sided chest (will be sore for two ooc days), deep lacerations to left-sided face (will heal in nine ooc days and will permanently scar over), moderate lacerations to right armpit (will heal in five ooc days and may cause discomfort with walking), pending damage from virgil's attack which gets to hit since virgil won.

virgil ? two moderate wounds to center portion of left-sided neck (will heal in five ooc days), moderate laceration to nose (will heal in six ooc days and may screw with virgil's sense of smell for this duration of time), mild scratches to base of neck (will heal in two ooc days), mild lacerations to back of shoulders, soreness from bruises there too (will heal in two ooc days).


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)

cantti ? there was an overall lack of detail on your part; make sure to specify everything you can to increase your score, since clarity brought you down the most. also, there were repetitive instances where virgil's attacks landed as intended but didn't do their intended damage and instances where virgil's attacks did not land where they were meant to without movement from six to prevent it, so make sure to give reason as to why your opponent's attacks do not hit their marks/do not hit in full. i didn't remove any points for this, but there was repetition of one attack (to virgil's left-sided neck) when i personally believed that six could have managed to do more.

muse ? there was also a lack of detail on your part and a few minor powerplay issues too that brought down your score. make sure to specify your attacks and the damage inflicted upon your characters so there's a better understanding of what's going on.

great job to the both of you <3

judging by [ aly ]