



5 Years
02-23-2014, 08:05 PM

The news that crashed down upon Newol's ears left a bitter taste in his mouth. So that would explain why all this was going on. Valhalla had been over thrown by a tyrant. The brute had to quickly suppress his own internal feelings. He was no pack wolf. He had never been. And so had he been there, he would have jumped in himself regardless of traditions and honors and respects. Regardless of what everyone else thought. After all. It was the honor of tradition that had caused this mess to begin with. What if the pack had merely laughed in the challenger's face and then all dove in and ripped him apart and tossed around the pieces? They wouldn't be in this mess and Erani would have a throne forced under her hind end. A displeased frown settled on his face, and a low growl built in his chest and rumbled through sealed lips. But the moment quickly faded. Not everything could be simple, the brute reminded himself. Not everyone was like him. Infact, very few where.

What followed next was something that quickly brought the edge of, and struck another kind of fury in him. Like a rumbling bellow in his gut, an angry voice yelling at him in the back of his head. He liked her words, the woman who he called friend right now. A defiant act of refusal to die, even with no land and no leader. Standing up and taking charge. No way he could sit this one out. Even with all the things he feared coming in to play here. He'd be in a pack. With superiors above him, and rules to follow. There was a chance he could lose the ability to know the wolf beside him for the person that they where underneath all the extra stuff. But he didn't care. Not only did this sound like an interesting thing to get in to, It sounded like the Right Thing to do.

So with a defiant stomp of the ground his rose his voice in a rebellious tone, letting Erani know he was behind her."Count me in, Erani. Hunt, fight, heal. What ever you need me to do to keep this family of yours alive." And with that he offered her a long, low bow of his head as a sign of respect, Acknowledging her as his superior. It was a notion he was uneasy about, but he trusted her.