


02-23-2014, 09:08 PM (This post was last modified: 03-20-2014, 11:00 AM by Fugue.)

when i wake up i'm afraid somebody else might take my place

when i wake up i'm afraid somebody else might end up being me

The night was young, and the pack was just settling down into their dens. It had been a long day of establishing borders and hunting for the pack, and though the man truly enjoyed his duties he was troubled. He had been an entirely different man not even a year before. Just thinking of some of the things he had done was...chilling. Down to the bone.

Fugue rose from his meal and paced the cool floor of his den, debating whether or not he should tell his leader of his history. They had become close friends, he thought. And even though he had deeper feelings for the femme, he felt that their relationship was perfect without the complications that came with taking things a step further. If only he could keep the voices at bay...

The auburn man shook his head and exited his den, making up his mind. He would tell her. He had to. The queen needed to know exactly who she had allowed into her pack, and that he wasn't sure how much control he had over his thoughts.

He made his way over to her den beneath the largest boulder in the territory. When he reached the dark mouth that formed the entrance, he bowed his head and called out to her, golden eyes squinting in the fresh moonlight. "Raisa, my queen? May I have a word?" He asked in deep tones. He was prepared to be kicked out for his deeds, and hoped that she would only allow him to remain an ally at best.


"Talk" Think "You"