
Seeking Shelter


02-24-2014, 12:18 AM

The female would blink as Drashiel started to cough, wrinkling his face. She hadn't quite expected the reaction, but, well, he was a pup. The thought of marriage and whatnot was still probably incredibly gross to him. She would frown a little all the same. It was a complicated start for sure, but Arietta had accepted being by Sin's side. After claiming her the male had treated her kindly, well, as kind as he could she assumed. She would give a soft whine as a coughing fit took him, and slowly the pup would gain control of his breathing again.

Hunting? At his age? She would listen, finding out that this pup was actually a child of the king, Isardis, and his mother, who was not the queen she guessed, had abandoned the poor thing. Arietta's own gaze would take on a saddened look as he asked about her mother. The female would look away, letting out a soft sigh. "My mother was very sickly when my sister and I were born... she did what she could to try and take care of us but..." Arietta shook her head.

"Long story short, Drashiel, my mother and my sister are both dead. Sin was the one who... well... woke me up I guess you could say. He doesn't always have the most friendly attitude, sure, but since we've been together he has cared for me, never once speaking a cross word to me. Our first meeting was on the rough side but... I guess I've come to grow used to him. The blood on his coat hardly smells that pleasant, but at the same time it is a way I identify it is truly him. I guess at this point I'm just used to it all, the smell, and his moods." Arietta had grown attached to him, in a warped process that lead her to believe she needed Sin and loved him. The female would glance outside of the den, letting out a soft sigh, hoping the crimson stained male was alright.

Speech, Thought