
Look Beyond What You See


02-24-2014, 12:21 AM

Arietta had gained confidence since the storm had passed. Now the brown female could be found exploring her Glaciem home, searching for a way to do something productive for the pack. Sin had disappeared, and where to the female didn't know, but she knew she had to find some sort of skills, complete some sort of task, within Glaciem and prove herself useful to the pack. Fear of ending up completely alone would fuel this need, and so Arietta was attempting to do something she hadn't often tried;; hunting.

Her hunting skills, well, were quite lacking. Whenever she had caught something it was by luck, otherwise she merely found something that had been killed already to feed on. It was a pathetic existence, and one that was unacceptable to her rank. Especially now... she was an adult officially this season. She was in heat for the first time in her life, something the female wasn't sure if others would take notice of within Glaciem. She hadn't really met other members face to face, save for Sin, Isardis, and Drashiel.

Soft blue eyes would shine in frustration as the female came to a stop, giving a soft sigh. Tracking prey wasn't really the hard part... she just couldn't figure out how to step in a way that would keep the sound muffled and allow her to sneak up on the prey. It was very discouraging to say the least.

Speech, Thought