
The Return Of The Valhallans



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-24-2014, 08:15 AM

The Alpha Primary stepped with a measured grace ahead of her pack, deep blue pools assured and confident as they swept the plains, lighting on the distant patches of forest. The grasses of the plains were browned with the heat of Summer, the air ripe with the sweet scent of wild hay as she raised her head a notch higher, scanning further out, ears perked and swiveling to catch all the sounds. Cicadas shrieked their raspy songs, while the more sedate grasshoppers and crickets chirped a lazy Summer melody, interspersed with the trilling rising song of a lark far above in the sky. The sun was nearing its peak in the sky, a bright pale golden disk in a sky colored the deepest azure, with not a cloud in sight, this day.

Her head lowered to the earth beneath her paws, keen black nose finding the scents of the border. All stale, old, nearly gone. In a way, Valhalla?s absence would have done the plains well. Prey would have replenished itself, and had, as the scents relayed to her nose. Strong spores of Elk, Bison, and other prey animals that would keep her pack hale and hearty for a good while. The herbs would have replenished, with her lack of gathering. Snowy head lifted, satisfied. She stepped across the old Border Line, turning her head to gaze back over her shoulder at the pack, studying each wolf present, and the horse that trailed behind, searching for any stragglers. She gave them a gentle, warm smile, ears pressing forward in encouragement, before turning and padding forward, tail swaying gently behind her. Velvet tones called out to them, quiet, but loud enough for each to hear with ease. Strength given by age and wisdom in that voice. ?Come, Valhalla. Let us be home.?

Valhalla was coming home.