
Restless Summer Air...



5 Years
02-24-2014, 11:11 AM

His words did little to satisfy the woman, even if his compliment made her gut flutter. She was a woman after all, and the charms of a good looking man might still affect her. She thought briefly of the golden fae supposedly awaiting her across the realm, and felt a bitter seed take root deep within her gullet. Virgil was out roaming about, conquering her dreams, making memories, blah blah blah. In a way, she had forbade Raisa to do the same. The sooty fae could not, would not, move on in her life without the closure. She was not one to sit upon the edge of a precipice and wander what awaited her below. In the instant, Raisa decided to leap. She looked at the man, bi-colored optics glowing with mercurial intent. One part desperation, one part fascination, and one part spite. "Baldur, you may just be on to something there," she said in a low, sanguine voice. She cocked her head to the side, speculating the possibilities, gauging her quarry. I'm in the mood to play a little game, she thought to herself. She took in a deep breath and released it as a breathy chuckle. She was queen of this land, was she not? And before her this impressive brute lay, a trespasser. She smiled, thinking of a tax she might impose upon him... "So what are your plans for the night, handsome?" She let her eyes travel over him once more, and decided that she rather liked what awaited her.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!