
The Return Of The Valhallans


02-24-2014, 01:39 PM

Veronica Plains were quiet as they were most days, no sound but the twittering of birds and buzzing of insects. And of course the constant whine of his children as they ran and wrestled nearby. He was used to the peace of the plains, it had been his home for what seemed like years now and though he was sad to see Valhalla have to move after the war he would admit to enjoying the alone time with his family. Having always been from a smaller family biased pack he had struggled with the mass of Valhalla and the feeling of distance from his pack mates. Not helped by the fact that the woman he loved seemed to have taken their daughter and raised her the way she wanted to rather then the way he had wanted to. Look where that had gotten them... Though he found it hard to be mad at Aislyn since her passing there were still times where he would make his way to her grave and sit for a while. Sometimes he would tell her how fucked up Liberty had become, sometimes he would ask her forgiveness for moving on so quickly to a new woman and a new family. Most days he just sat for a short time and then went back to doing other things.

He lifted his head easily as the sound of paw falls reached him, immediately he let out a sharp bark, calling the pups back to the den and ushering them in. As soon as they were back he stood and stepped slowly from the mouth of the den. Ears pricked forward as he looked towards the boarders and then tipped his skull back and allowed a long easy howl to stretch out to call to Eria, he needed her to be there for this, whatever this was. He didn't wait especially long, knowing that she would be there as soon as she could. Long legs covered the ground towards the group quickly enough, and slowly a smile would grow as he noticed that Erani was the one leading the pack. "Whats going on Erani?" He asked easily, pausing before her as he dipped his head slightly. It looked like there were quite a few with her, had he missed something? He hadn't caught her words before so didn't know that most of these wolves with here were Valhallan's.