
Cataleya and Basilisk Pack


02-24-2014, 07:28 PM
So Cat and Bas have decided that they want to rule the world with all their evilness!! However, they are need of some followers. Below is all the pack information, if you have questions please feel free to ask Nyx or I. As soon as we have enough followers, I will posting in the Pack Creation board and purchasing the pack.

The pack follows a French hierarchy, with strict laws, and ranges from chaotic neutral wolves to chaotic evil wolves.

Pack Name: Undecided
Territory: Feninirs Maw or Fallers Fjord
Pack Color: #B8B8B8
Alpha Name: Cataleya as Primary, Basilisk as Secondary
Link to Alpha's Account: Cat

Member Name & Rank: Zaria as Dauphina
Link to Recruitment Thread: Completed Here

Member Name & Rank: Demyan as Duke
Link to Recruitment Thread: In Process Here

Member Name & Rank: Caeto as Ecuyer
Link to Recruitment Thread: In Process Here

Member Name & Rank: Daegmar as Ecuyer
Link to Recruitment Thread: Completed here

Member Name & Rank: Basilisk as Secondary Monarch
Link to Recruitment Thread: Completed here

Other Members:
Neios - force claimed
Nafi - apparentice


Tier 1 Rank: Monarchs (Queen and King)
Description: The Queen is the primary ruler of the pack, her word is law, and all must obey or risk serious punishment, The King is the secondary leader of the pack, he is just as important as the Queen, though considered to be below her. Both are able to accept/deny members, dish out punishments, and alter laws, call meetings, promote/demote members.

Tier 2 Rank: Dauphin(a)
Description: the heir of the throne, can be male or female, does not necessarily have to be blood related to the Monarch. They are to be treated just as respectively as the Monarch, and their orders are to be obeyed.

Rank: Duke/Duchess
Description: equivalent to Betas, work directly under the Monarchs supervision, they are below the Heir, but still have the power to accept members, dish out punishments as they see fit and promote/demote members. There is at most two, with no preference to gender.

Tier 3 Rank:Marquis (warrior), Comte (hunter), and Baron (healers)
Description: These are the Commanders of the pack, they oversee the warriors, hunters and healers. There are typically two Commanders per group, with Marquis as the top ranking, followed by Comte, and lastly Barons.

Tier 4 Rank: Ecuyer (warriors), Gentilhomme (hunters), Seigneurs (healers) and Apprenti (Apprentices)
Description: These are the wolves that make up a majority of the pack, they are those on the front line during war, they supply the pack with food, and heal those in need. There is an unlimited number of these ranks. Apprentices are those who are under the mentorship of a wolf that is Teir 3 and above, there is typically no more that 4. Apprenti's must be approved or assigned by the Monarchs. Those who are being mentored by the Monarchs are be treated with respect for they hold a slightly more prestigious spot within the pack.

Tier 5 Rank: Chevalier
Description: These are the members of the pack with no rank or title or any sort and because of this they are often looked down upon unless they have a valid reason for doing nothing. Expectant mothers fall into this category, along with pups, elderly and disabled.

Tier 6 Rank: Prisoners/Claimed
Description: Prisoners are wolves that are receiving punishment, have been claimed by a member of the pack this is below Tier 1, have trespassed or broken some other law, they can be anyone, and can be treated however the pack sees fit (torture, starvation, etc). However, prisoners are not to be killed without orders from the Monarchs. Claimed wolves are those that strictly belong to the Monarchs, they have been force claimed by them and are not to be harmed by any other member of the pack. They will remained as the lowest ranking wolves until they have proven themselves otherwise and are promoted.

Laws: What will your pack laws be?
1. Every law of the Monarchs are to be followed, those who step out of line will be punished.
2. Loyalty is a must, those who betray the pack will be executed.
3. Disrespect for higher ranks will not be tolerated and can be punished however they see fit
4. You may take a mate/breed with whomever you want, but if it starts problems with other packs, you will be disowned and left on your own.
5. This is a war based pack, you will do your part and take part in regular training. Those who do not will be demoted and/or punished.
6. If you choose to flee the pack without noticed, you will be hunted down and killed on site.
7. Monarchs have little patience to deal with drama within the ranks, no such drama will be tolerated
8. Challenging for ranks is permitted and encouraged, the Monarchs are not easily impressed and ranks are rarely handed out.
9. The pack is no above force claiming others, only those in Tier 2 and above came bring force claimed wolves into the pack. There are exceptions that must be taken up with the Monarchs.

The laws and ranks will be developed more as the pack grows, but for now this is a basic outline of what the pack will be about and how they will function, we are still in the building phase of things:)