


02-24-2014, 09:13 PM

His pack just couldn't be left alone. He had heard the challenge that had gone down between his aunt Chrysanthe and some white bitch from the north, no doubt coming under the orders of the Ice King. It grated the young Adravendi's nerves that Valhalla could just not be left alone. A familiar voice would break through Gael's frustrated train of thought, twin audits rotating to catch the voice of a Valhallan woman. He didn't recognize her voice right off the bat, but the message was clear; pack meeting. Without hesitation he would move in the direction of the call, knowing that his fiance would be coming along soon and if not, he would fill her in once he returned from the meeting.

He would be a tad late, ceruleans running over the large masses that had come together at the summons. His gaze would immediately be drawn to the ivory woman perched atop a rock, recognizing her as the Lead Healer Erani, his aunt's adopted mother. He would move towards the front of the group, having gotten there just in time to catch her announcement of Chrysanthe's loss and the restarting of Valhalla in their old home; Vericona Plains. This Adravendi will serve Valhalla until his dying breath Erani. He would call to the elder woman as he stopped just shy of her perch, gaze attentive on her figure, knowing that she would gladly allow him to become part of the renovated pack.

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