


02-24-2014, 10:05 PM
gonna go ahead and set this immediately after the challenge.

Injuries wound their way around her pale and robust physique, serving as physical indicators to her potency; she had stood, victorious, over a broken nation after laying waste to both russet-masked women that had dared to oppose her, and now adorned the metaphorical crown of a budding kingdom. None of the former Valhallans had taken to her rule, leaving her lack of a body to govern, but determination and ever-increasing ambition forced the pallid banshee to scheme up recruitment methods?she had no intentions of failing now and truly believed that she would obtain success with relentless work towards one of her numerous goals. Failure was not an option and she would not make it so?she would succeed, if not for her mother and family, then for herself.

Baritone vocals that demanded her attention would extract the wraith from the confines of her temporary den, causing her stomach to lurch with discontent at the knowledge of which dastardly creature it belonged to?why had her mother?s plaything sought her presence? Disgruntled, the prodigy would saunter towards the borders, composed despite the pain that radiated from her fresh injuries, half-expecting to happen upon the brute sooner than later for he didn?t appear to be the patient type. Alas, his behemoth form meandered into view as she approached the borders, causing a sly smirk to expand across her gored countenance as she scrutinized him beneath her critical eye. ?Creedance Voltaire, respecting my boundaries?? she inquired, speech laden with feigned confusion as she halted, warily, before him. The hellion didn?t appear to possess an ounce of mal-intent and yet, she found herself completely suspicious of him?after all, he hadn?t developed a positive impression with the tyrant based upon their previous encounters, so she felt no need to place her trust in his corrupted paws just yet.