



9 Years
02-24-2014, 10:51 PM

Wolves arrived, until the beach was dotted with several curious individuals, all with questions in their eyes, though there were strangers among the familiar wolves of Valhalla. Alsander smiled as Caerul arrived, knowing his brother would be sharing in the joy of having their father back. At last, most of the wolves had gathered, and Erani began to speak. Alsander?s ears perked as she made it clear that they would be returning to Vericona Plains, and would soon have three other territories. He?d been around Druid?s Moor. A misty, eerily beautiful place. Whisperer?s Gorge he was less familiar with, and Everyone was familiar with Wolfpaw Lake. He nodded faintly, heart swelling at her words of family.

A mating Ceremony, too. His tail beat the ground slightly at the thought, then stilled as he noted his sister in law?s sadness. Surreal had told him about the lack of attendance at Imena and Cael?s Ceremony. Perhaps when Cael returned from wherever the hell he was off to, Erani would hold a Ceremony for them. His head swiveled as wolves sounded their allegiance to the snowy Healer, his father and cousin speaking as well, then voiced his own service. ?My will is your Life. I will serve.? Words of Protocol. His foster parents had drilled the lessons and ways of Redwood and Nomad wolves into himself and his brothers at request of his father.

Sometimes, he missed Amber and Laoch, their foster parents who had been torn apart by Blackmoon wolves. Laoch had been a part of the evil pack, but had seen Amber when out on a patrol, and had been smitten. Blackmoon pack didn?t accept such things as running away from the pack, viewed love as weakness. So they had tracked the two wolves down, and torn them apart. That had been the end of the three brothers and their sister?s lives in Calarada. They had left to seek out their real father. Alsander glanced at his sire, smiling. And they had found him, and much more. He would serve. Oh yes he would.