
Chocolate is good for the soul



02-24-2014, 11:02 PM

In all the weeks, months she had not been able to find a suitable den to her liking. She just kept thinking of her den she used to have back in Ludicael. The warm damp sand, the mangrove roots wrapping and weaving the exterior of the den, the little storage spaces for herbs. She missed it really, it was ust that she never felt like she belonged there. But her paws carried her there to her sister's lands. They might not have had the most warm hearted meeting last time, but maybe they could this time. Her belly cramped making her cringe. Any day now and she would give birth to the pups within her.

She reached Ludicael by late morning, her body ached and was exhausted. Even still though she held herself proudly. Eyes turned to look for Gitan who was not too far behind. Voice sang out softly for Song and Novel. Both had yet to know she had been pregnant. She never told them last time she was here. She prayed Novel would help her deliver these pups, she wasn't sure she could do it alone. and honestly she was slightly scared too. As a first time mother-to-be it would only be natural for her to be edgy, picky, and protective with her raging hormones. Slowly she sat down, wrapping her tail around her mammoth sized belly. The pups inside her kicked about making her wince slightly but smile too. A little pain was worth knowing her carried life within her and they were well.