
i'm wasted wasting time


02-24-2014, 11:05 PM

ooc;; sorry this took so long and sorry for the cheesy pickup lines XD

Though the woman was a creature of solitude it seemed that as late she wasn't enjoying her alone time as much as she once had. Maybe it was the pregnancy, maybe it was her new found home or maybe her new found pack since they weren't exactly in the same place. Though she had decided to follow Taurig wherever he might go the draw of her family was a hard one to resist and so she had joined Ludicael to search for clues as to where her brother might have disappeared to. Though it wasn't ideal so far she didn't mind her new pack and it might be easier to have her kids there and wait to swim them back to the island rather then to have them on the island. But then again if she had them on the island it would be quite a while before they could leave, ah technicalities? Maybe one day she would decide, hopefully before she went into labour.

Paws falls were not noticed, presence undetected until sultry words slithered from velvety lips behind the russet woman. Slowly neck would turn and eyes would lock onto the strangely hued female behind her. For a moment she would simply stare and then it was like the colour of the woman hit her and her eyes widened. "Oh what beauty is this before me? And why have i not seen monuments built in your honour? Wars fought for you love?" Words flowed off tongue easily as the leggy female lifted herself to a standing positing and slowly turned to face the purple beauty. And a beauty she was. Lantern eyes trailed the woman from head to toe, smile slithering across lips as she took a step forward. "Do angels have names?" She purred, stepping forward as eyes settled on the luxurious purple fur of the woman before her.

Table by Azil