

Shilah I


6 Years
02-24-2014, 11:19 PM
ooc: edited old post to take out reference to Erani being a nomad, she doesn't have the marks, I goofed xD

Shilah kept his focus on the pale Queen. There was so much going on around him that it was easy to get distracted and he was a little lost in the wealth of it all but he found himself drawn to the woman. As a wandering loner it had been awhile since he'd run across one as old as she. Surely, she had great wealths of knowledge to share and it had also been gnawing at the back of his mind for some time. The idea of joining a pack. This one was quite large but he supposed it wouldn't hurt to jump right in if she'd allow it.

Shilah was actually quite surprised when she refered to him as Nomad. It seemed like most wolves of Alacritia did not know the meaning of the mark and it gave him some comfort to know that this female did. Nodding he politely sat, ears flicking forward to drink in her words. While he didn't know the details Shilah knew that he had indeed walked into something sad. A pack displaced, pups stolen. It was indeed a terrible thing but the Elder Queen seemed to speak from a place of strength and Shilah resolved right then and there to try and be of as much assistance as he could to Valhalla.

As he gazed around at the wolves he soon hoped to be his packmates he caught the familiar marks of another Nomad! A young female and she looked familiar. She seemed a bit shy but Shilah made note to greet her sometime soon. He was a bit surprised to see a horse of all beasts near the pack but again chose to save his questions for later.

"Lady Erani, if you would have room I would be interested in serving Valhalla and aiding you any way I can. I feel you bear great wisdom and I would like to learn what I can from you and the rest of your pack."

