
The Return Of The Valhallans


02-25-2014, 12:59 AM

The female, whose black fur held blue tint in all its strands, was hunting for her favorite meal: fish. She had found a quiet and isolated pond in the deeper parts of the Plains' forest. There had been plenty of fish that she could choose from and it did her heart good to see the many options. Without even thinking about it, she chose her prize and immediately caught it. Teeth tore apart the meat beneath the scales and pretty soon, she was full.
After she picked the scales from her facial fur, a familiar howl met her ears. Her attention turned to the sky and she looked up with eagerness. A gentle thumping of her tail against the ground was another physical sign that showed her excitement for Friction to be calling. She rose to all fours and sprinted through the path she had just taken. The journey to meet her lover's physical being didn't take long at all.
When she appeared from the woods, she didn't hesitate to be at his side. Her black nose met his neck and she unabashedly showed her affectionate feelings for him. Blue eyes twinkled at his gaze and she turned them to the white female who was approaching. She had been the one who helped the first time mother with her labor and delivery, so of course her attitude was welcoming. Eria didn't voice her salutations, but instead barked gently, showing the happy sign of the woman's presence.
