



02-25-2014, 01:33 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Leon had followed to stand beside her, and the worried hunter glanced his way as the aged healer answered their nervous questions. Nothing was said, just promises that she would speak to them as a whole, as soon as the gathering seemed to be at its capacity. It was not the answer Ashtoreth had been longing for by a long shot, but with nothing to say to get news out of Erani sooner she muttered a quiet, "Okay," before turning with Leon and walking away to find their own seat. She let Leon take the lead and settled beside him, shoulder pressed to his and ears turned to sit nervously back against her petite skull. None of this sat well with her, and forcing a few deep breaths the Psi proceeded to glance around as if seeking answers from those surrounding her.

To her great relief, the wait was short. A few stragglers and Erani was addressing them with the news of the challenge's results. And what was said was far from what had been expected. Defeated. Chrys had lost. But how? She was such a strong leader, such a capable warrior. Defeat was hardly in her vocabulary to describe her. And yet as she looked among the faces of those who returned, still half drenched from the swim across the water, Ashtoreth could see that it was true. It was written within their expressions, plain as day. It was no less disconcerting.

Erani mentioned the pups who were being ordered to remain, the subsequent challenge that had been made in time with the one for Valhalla, and the grey hunter struggled to wrap her mind around it all. Babes stolen from their home, still incredibly young, as well as one of their own - one of her hunters specifically - trying to singularly take down the kingdom of ice. Why? What had happened that they should be tormented by all of this uncertainty and hardships? But it seemed at least in one respect they were still well off. They were sticking together; Valhalla was reforming under Erani's command.

This was just as surprising as the rest. For all her experience and knowledge, the kind-hearted healer had never shown much drive to lead, save where it concerned her healers. It must have been the circumstances that had changed her mind. Whatever the case, Ash was relieved. With Erani leading, it meant Valhalla was not simply a band of rogues cast out of their home and clinging to the last remnants of their family and home. No, their home would remain, their family wound band together, and they were to rebuild not here upon the island but back in Vericona. Despite the circumstances, the grey wolf could have smiled. Mainland at last, and no longer feeling separated by that strip of ocean water. She chanced a glance at Leon, wondering and secretly hoping that the den they had abandoned might still be open and suitable for the both of them.

She turned to stare up at the seated healer wolf when she took a moment to address her and Leon directly. Apparently Leon's proposal before the pack had managed to make an impression. Even embarrassed, Ashtoreth smiled, tucking her head slightly as she turned and peered at the brown male seated next to her. If she had had it her way, there would have been no big to do about it, they would have quietly settled in together and continued to go about their business and duties within the pack. But she knew things were not done that way, at least not in Leon's family. This was all probably customary for him, expected even. How could she possibly think of denying him this silly little ceremony? "If Leon wants to," she answered at length, turning her sheepish smile upon him in resigned agreement.