


02-25-2014, 05:45 AM

He was enthralled. Did the young daughter of his one time lay realize the appeal she had? Something about her intrigued him, it drew him to her. When she appeared, his eyes trained on her, watching every step that she took. His oddly colored eyes noted her wounds, and he felt mixed feelings at the sight of them. Pride and attraction of course, but also worry. The mix of emotions felt strange and misplaced to him. Her words brought a smirk to his jaws, she seemed surprised that he had respected her borders. "Does that mean I have permission to trespass?" He intoned with a sultry tone. His attention would shift to her body his eyes moving over her frame, a moment would pass to offer her time to reply to his question before he would speak again. "You're wounded.". His tone would shift to a slight tone of concern, though he would make no move on it. He was beyond baffled at himself. His eyes would leave her frame, wandering to look around her, pausing for a moment on a feather that littered the ground, before his gaze would move back to her, watching and waiting to see what she would say to him. Another question probed his mind, "Any of my bastard spawn arrived to see your kingdom?" That was his way of asking her about their welfare- their well-being.


ooc: i was waiting on the dm stuff to make my cerb reply to that thread, so its next on my list. yee. :3 awkward cree is awkward.